Uplifting the lives of individuals and families within our community
Manawatū Community Housing Trust
About us
About Manawatū Community Housing Trust
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Who are we?

The Manawatu Community Housing Trust (MCHT) incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and is registered with the Charities Commission. Our Trust Deed states that the purposes of the Trust are
(a) To relieve poverty and to benefit the community by providing affordable and safe living accommodation for low-income tenants with support needs (b) To facilitate appropriate support for those tenants (c) To undertake such other activities complementary to the above purposes.
Rangitikei street accommodation
The objective of the Trust is to provide supportive and safe accommodation to the most disadvantaged people on low incomes in Palmerston North region who also have support needs. The rents charged are below the lowest quartile. We provide housing for tenants who are unable to find accommodation elsewhere, either because they have no references, newly released prisoners or are refugees with no tenant history or individuals who generally need support to maintain a balanced lifestyle.